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For contributors

Instructions for authors

    • ※ Manuscripts written in English cannot be submitted for the Korean Journal of Sport Science. (International Journal of Applied Sport Science should accept manuscripts in English.)
    • ※ The editorial board for the Korean Journal of Sport Science aims to publish empirical, theoretical, and review articles focused on social science, science, and performance enhancement(research related to elite sports and targeting elite athletes). Submissions are welcomed.
      Accordingly, authors are requested to select from three fields of social sciences, sciences, and performance enhancement research according to the nature of the manuscript.
    • ※ Please, be aware that the copyright of manuscripts published in the Korean Journal of Sports Science belongs to the Korea Institute of Sport Science of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation(KSPO) in accordance with Article 18 (copyright) of the publication rules of KSPO.

    Table of Contents

    General provision

    Article 1(Purpose)

    The purpose of this regulation is to stipulate the submission of manuscripts in the “the Korean Journal of Sports Science” (hereinafter referred to as “KJSS”), a periodical journal published by the Korea Institute of Sport Science(KISS).

    Article 2(Coverage)

    All manuscripts submitted for publication in the KJSS comply with this regulation.

    Review of manuscripts

    Article 3(Manuscript Submission)

    • ① Manuscripts submitted to KJSS must have not been previously published in other journals, and cannot be submitted to another journal at the same time.
    • ② Manuscripts published in KJSS cannot be resubmitted to other journals.
    • ③ Manuscripts must be written in accordance with ‘the Submission Form of KJSS’ and proofreading must be complete and final.

    Article 4(Manuscript Acceptance)

    • ① All manuscripts for submission in the KJSS should comply with this regulation.
    • ② The editor-in-chief may reject the manuscript to the author if the submitted manuscript does not conform to this regulation or if the content is not appropriate.
    • ③ When submitting a manuscript, the author must submit a “copyright transfer agreement” and a “research ethics agreement” containing the signatures of all the authors participating in the manuscript.
    • ④ The editor-in-chief issues a confirmation of manuscript acceptance to the author with the date the manuscript is submitted to the submission system.
    • ⑤ If an author voluntarily withdraws a manuscript, the first author and the corresponding author cannot submit any manuscript within 1 year from the date of voluntary withdrawal.
    • ⑥ The rejected manuscript can be resubmitted after 6 months by revising the content as of the date of notification of the non-publication.

    Article 5 (Anonymity)

    • ① The editor-in-chief shall not disclose the author of the submitted manuscript to others, including the editorial board and reviewers.
    • ② The cover of the manuscript with the author's name should be kept by the editor-in-chief, and only the rest of the manuscript, excluding the cover, can be sent to reviewers.

    Article 6 (Selection of reviewers)

    • ① The editor-in-chief selects three reviewers after receiving the manuscript.
    • ② A member of the editorial board in the relevant field by the request of the editor-in-chief should recommend no more than 5 candidates for the reviewer based on the content of the manuscript.
    • ③ The editor-in-chief finally selects three reviewers by referring to the reliability of candidates recommended by the publishing committee.

    Article 7 (Review request)

    • ① The editor-in-chief asks the review of the manuscript as soon as reviewers are selected.
    • ② The editor-in-chief sends a copy of the manuscript submitted along with the review request form and the review form via e-mail.
    • ③ The editor-in-chief shall specify the deadline for submission of the review results and the deadline for discarding the review paper in the review request form.

    Article 8 (Review criteria)

    • ① 'The originality of the research topic' evaluates the originality of the research purpose and results.
    • ② 'Conformity of manuscript composition and format' evaluates the suitability of publication formats such as design, reference citation, and Korean/English abstract.
    • ③ 'Validity of research method' evaluates the validity of the research method to achieve the research purpose.
    • ④ 'The logicality of result interpretation' evaluates whether the result analysis is logical.
    • ⑤ 'Contribution of research field' evaluates the degree of effectiveness and contribution in academia and practice of the sport field.

    Article 9 (Results)

    • ① The editor-in-chief synthesizes the opinions of the reviewers and the final decision of the major publishing committee, and makes a final decision on whether to publish the manuscript as 'acceptance for publication', 'not available for publication', and 'conditional acceptance for publication'.
    • ② The editor-in-chief may request a re-examination if the reviewers' opinions are contradicted or the reliability of the review is low.

    Article 10 (Notification of Results)

    • ① The editor-in-chief shall immediately notify the review results of the manuscript to the author.
    • ② In the case of 'acceptance for publication', the editor-in-chief must explain the follow-up procedure and may request revision of the manuscript according to the review result.
    • ③ In the case of 'conditional acceptance for publication', the editor-in-chief shall request revision of the manuscript by attaching the results of each reviewer's review, and at this time, the author's explanation of whether reviewers’ comments are accepted or not.
    • ④ In the case of 'not available for publication', the editor-in-chief shall notify the reason for the decision by attaching the review results.

    Article 11 (Re-examination of the manuscript)

    • ① Upon receipt of the revised manuscript, the editor-in-chief notifies the author of the manuscript acceptance.
    • ② The editor-in-chief requests the reviewers to re-examine the revised manuscript.
    • ③ The editor-in-chief reviews the results of the re-examination and immediately informs the author of the results.
    • ④ The editor-in-chief repeats the manuscript re-examination procedure in accordance with the above Clause 1, 2, & 3 until a final decision is made.
    • ⑤ The revised manuscript must be submitted within 3 months of the review of the submitted manuscript, and if it is not submitted within the period, it will be automatically dismissed.

    Article 12 (Evaluation of the result reliability)

    • ① The editor-in-chief evaluates the reliability of the review by examining the review results.
    • ② The editor-in-chief may seek advices from editorial board members in the relevant field if necessary to improve credibility.
    • ③ The editor-in-chief must not disclose the results of the reliability evaluation to others.

    Article 13 (Follow-up action)

    • ① When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the editor-in-chief instructs the editorial staff to follow up necessary.
    • ② If necessary, the editor-in-chief shall notify the follow-up results to the author of the manuscript.
    • ③ Published manuscripts will be included in the next year's KJSS Award. In addition, the scope and standards of awards for KJSS in accordance with the editorial board's operating guidelines.

    Writing a manuscript

    Manuscripts for "KJSS" must be presented in the following format that is compatible with the latest version of Hancom Word for Windows(PC).

    Manuscript format

    • ① In the case of an empirical research article, it should be described in the following order: 'Title, Author (Affiliation), English Abstract, Introduction, Research Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Appendix (Optional), Korean Abstract'. In case of a theoretical/review article, it may take an equivalent form to this.
    • ② The theoretical background (or related research) should be briefly analyzed, summarized, and included in the introduction.

    Length of the manuscript

    • ① All Manuscripts should contain abstracts in English and Korean.


    • ① All Manuscripts should contain abstracts in English and Korean.
    • ② The abstract should be concise and essential, and the length should be less than 300 characters in principle.
    • ③ Purpose, Method, Results, and Conclusion are indicated and the contents are presented.
    • ④ Keyword can be revised and added by the editorial board.

    Foreign language

    • ① Proper nouns can use foreign languages as they are in the text.
    • ② Foreign languages other than proper nouns should be avoided as much as possible, but the original language may be indicated in parentheses in the case of technical terms or terms with the possibility of confusion.
    • ③ English cannot be used for the subtitle, and if necessary, it should be inserted in the main text.

    Tables and figures

    Writing tables and figures must be prepared according to <Appendix 1>.

    Mathematics and statistical symbols

    • ① Commonly used formulas for statistics are not explained in the text.
    • ② When presenting inference statistics in the manuscript, the degrees of freedom, statistical values, and significance level are presented together with the statistical value sign.
      (At this time, do not write 0 in front of the decimal point of the significance level)
    • ③ If many symbols are used in the formula, a separate symbol description can be included in the text.
    • ④ The site where the table or figure should be placed in the text must be decided by the editor-in-chief. The expression of measurement values is based on the international system of units.

    Font and numbers

    • ① Characters used as statistical symbols or mathematical variables are written in italics.
    • ② Generally, Arabic numerals are used for numbers in the text, and three digits are separated by commas for numbers over 1,000 units.


    • Citation must be prepared in accordance with <Appendix 2>.


    • References must be prepared in accordance with <Appendix 3>.

    Manuscript editing form

    • Manuscripts must be prepared in the latest version of Hancom Word for Windows (PC), and the format of the manuscript must be prepared in accordance with <Appendix 4> or <Example> illustrated on the homepage of Korea Institute of Sport Science.

    Appendix 1

    Figures and Tables
    ① All tables and figures are to be placed in the main text.
    ② Figures must be submitted in complete form so that they can be used directly as manuscripts for printing, and photos must be ‘half-tone’ in advance.
    ③ All pictures and program lists should be treated as figures, and serial numbers should be used for tables and figures. (Ex., Fig. 1., Table 1., ......)
    ④ In the case of describing tables and figures in the text, it should be written ‘<>’ such as '<Table 1>, <Fig. 1>', and it should be written without <> in tables and figures such as 'Table 1. or Fig 1.' .
    ⑤ Titles of tables and figures should be written in English. Technical terms can be directly written in the original language in the title and content of figures and titles.
    ⑥ All tables are written only with horizontal lines in principle, but vertical lines may also be used in special cases.
    ⑦ The title of the table is indicated at the top of the table, and the title of the figure is indicated at the bottom of the figure.
    ⑧ Units required for tables and figures are written in the original language.
    ⑨ If the table or figure is from a previous study, the source should be indicated at the bottom of the table or figure.

    Appendix 2

    ① Materials directly quoted from another author’s work or from one’s own previously published work, materials duplicated from a test item, and verbatim instructions to participant should be indicated literally.
    ② A short quotation (fewer than 40 words) should be included in the text, and the quotation should be indicated with double quotation marks (" ").
    ③ Quotations of 40 words or more should be written one point smaller than the text font, and the paragraphs are changed and the left and right are indented by 5 characters each.
    When citing, only the author (original or English) and year should be indicated in the text, and a complete reference should be included in the reference list.
    ⑤ When citing a reference in the text, indicate the author's name (last name only in English) and publication year in case of one or two authors. If there are 3 or more authors, only the first author's last name should be written, and only et al. and year should be indicated.
    · Two authors : 'Lee &Sim(1994)는', 'King &Queen(1994)은' <개정 2015. 06. 03>
    · 3 or more authors : ‘Hong et al.(1994)', 'Clinton et al.(1996)’ <개정 2015. 06. 03>
    ⑥ When citing a reference in parentheses, apply the same as above, and use a semicolon (;) when citing two or more works.
    · Two authors : ('Lee &Sim, 1994), (King &Queen, 1994) <개정 2015. 06. 03>
    · 3 or more authors : (Hong et al., 1994), (Clinton et al., 1996) <개정 2015. 06. 03>
    · 2 or more works : (Lee, 1994; Sim, 1995) <개정 2015. 06. 03>
    ⑦ If the author is a group, the name of the group are spelled out in the first citation, and abbreviated thereafter.
    ⑧ All other matters are based on the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

    Appendix 3

    ① References must be placed at the end of the manuscript and must be entered accurately.
    ② The reference style used by the Journal is the APA system of referencing
    ③ In the order of listing references, the author, publication year, title, and publishing data are indicated in alphabetical order.
    * Domestic literatures are also written in English with authors, publication year, and publishing data.
    ④ When writing a reference list, all author names should be indicated.
    ⑤ Manuscripts currently under review cannot be cited as a reference.
    ⑥ The detailed principles for the preparation of references are as follows.
    • 1. Periodicals
      • · It should be written in order of author's name (year of publication). title of the article. the full title of the journal, the volume number, and page numbers.
      • · Author's Name:
        Write all the last names in English and indicate only the initials for the rest.
        After the last name, use a comma (,), and if there are more than one author, use & before the last author.
      • · Year of publication: Write year of publication in parentheses after the author’s name.
      • · Manuscript Title :
        In principle, the English title should be written in capital letters only at the first letter, and the rest should be written in small letters.
        Title of the journal and volume number: It should be written in italics. For nouns and pronouns in the title of the journal, capitalize the first letter. The page should contain only numbers.
        Clinton, W. L., Bush, G. S., & Reagan, R. D. (1994).
        The mechanics of international politics. International Politics, 4(2), 112-118.
    • 2. Nonperiodicals (Books and reports)
      • · It should be written in order of author's name (year of publication). title of the book(report). and location: publisher.
        Book titles should be written in English italics. Only the nouns and pronouns should be capitalized for the title of the book. If the book is published beyond reprint, the number of editions should be written after the title of the book.
      • · location: A colon (:) is used between the location and the publisher
        Clinton, W. L. (1975). Social psychology and physical activity(2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row.
    • 3. Doctoral dissertations and master’s theses
      • · It should be written in order of author's name (year of theses or dissertations).
        title of the thesis(dissertation). unpublished master’s thesis(doctoral dissertation), and university.
      • · Titles should be written in English italics.
      • <Examples>
        Park, S. (2006). Blood Pressure Reduction Following The Accumulation Of Short
        Physical Activity Sessions Versus A Continuous Physical Activity Session In Prehypertension.
        Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University. <개정 2015. 06. 05>
    ⑦ All other matters are based on the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

