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Editorial policy

Research Ethics

The purpose of this guideline to establish and comply with the research ethics of authors in relation to the publication of Korean Journal of Sport Science(Enacted on June 26, 2008, revised on November 09, 2011, revised on July 17, 2017, and revised on July 20, 2018)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Research Ethics Guidelines

Article 1 Researcher's Ethics Guidelines

  • (1) When the subject of the study is human, it is a principle to state that the purpose of the study and the mental and physical risks that may occur during participation in the study are sufficiently explained to the study subject, and that consent has been obtained.
  • (2) When the subject of the study is an experimental animal, it is a principle to state that efforts have been made to minimize the pain and discomfort of the experimental animal, complying with local/national guidelines governing the use of experimental animals.
  • (3) Researchers pursue the basic principles of honesty, truthfulness, and accuracy in all research activities, and reject fraudulent acts such as fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.

Article 2 Scope of Research Misconduct <Revised on Nov. 09, 2011>

Research misconduct is defined as fabrication, falsification, multiple publication, (redundant publication, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. The scope and definition of research misconduct are as follows.

  • (1) fabrication: Making up data or research results that do not exist
  • (2) falsification: Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record
  • (3) plagiarism: The copying of other people's work (ideas, writings, structures, designs, images, plans, code, …) or one's own previously written work, without adequate source references either in an identical or slightly adjusted fashion.
  • (4) false authorship: The act of not granting the author qualification to a person who has contributed to the research content or research results without a justifiable reason, or granting the author qualification to a person who has not contributed because of appreciation or courtesy, etc.
  • In principle, the affiliation of the author is indicated by the affiliation at the time of conducting the research, such as experimentation and data analysis. However, if the author wishes, the current affiliation can be indicated.

  • (5) multiple publication: same study being published more than one journal. Same study refers to have identical material (subject) more than half and methods used in the study.
  • (6) redundant publication: When a published work (or substantial sections from a published work) is/ are published more than once (in the same or another language) without adequate acknowledgment of the source/cross-referencing/justification, or When the same (or substantially overlapping) data is presented in more than one publication without adequate cross-referencing/ justification, particularly when this is done in such a way that reviewers/readers are unlikely to realise that most or all the findings have been published before.
    • ■ secondary publication: Secondary publication of material published in other journals or online may be justifiable and beneficial, especially when intended to disseminate important information to the widest possible audience (e.g., guidelines produced by government agencies and professional organizations in the same or a different language). Secondary publication for various other reasons may also be justifiable provided the following conditions are met:
    • 1. The authors have received approval from the editors of both journals (the editor concerned with secondary publication must have access to the primary version).
    • 2. The priority of the primary publication is respected by a publication interval (1 week or more) negotiated by both editors with the authors.
    • 3. The paper for secondary publication is intended for a different group of readers; an abbreviated version could be sufficient.
    • 4. The secondary version faithfully reflects the data and interpretations of the primary version.
    • 5. The secondary version informs readers, peers, and documenting agencies that the paper has been published in whole or in part elsewhere—for example, with a note that might read, "This article is based on a study first reported in the [journal title, with full reference]"—and the secondary version cites the primary reference.
    • 6. The title of the secondary publication should indicate that it is a secondary publication (complete or abridged republication or translation) of a primary publication.

Chapter 2 Guidelines for the Implementation of Research Ethics

Article 1 Research Ethics Guidelines Pledge and Reinforcement Activities <revised on July 17, 2017>

In order to confirm the researcher's compliance with the research ethics guidelines, it is mandatory to submit a research ethics agreement.

  • (1) When submitting a dissertation for 『Korean Journal of Sport Science』, you will receive a 『Research Ethics Agreement』 in accordance with the attached form No. 1 stating, "There are no violations of overall research ethics." <revised on Nov 09, 2011>
  • (2) In accordance with Article 14 of the BIOETHICS AND SAFETY ACT, authors need to indicate whether of not it is approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). <revised on July 17, 2017>
  • (3) When submitting thesis for 『Korean Journal of Sport Science』, author must operate a plagiarism verification procedure using the plagiarism detection system. <revised on July 17, 2017>
  • (4) In principle, the submission of 『Korean Journal of Sport Science』 and the judges belonging to the same institution shall be excluded. <revised on July 17, 2017>

Article 2 Report and reception of violations of the ethical guidelines <revised on Nov. 09, 2011>

  • (1) In principle, members of the 『Korean Journal of Sport Science』 including the research review committee may report in all possible methods such as oral, written, telephone, e-mail, etc., if they recognize that other members have violated the ethical guidelines, and report them in their real names. Provided, that where it is intended to be reported anonymously, it shall submit the name of the research project or the name of the paper, the details and evidence of the specific misconduct in writing or by e-mail.
  • (2) In the event of an obvious violation of the ethics guidelines, it may be reported to the Ethics Committee.
  • (3) The ethics committee must not disclose the identity of the member who reported the problem to the outside.

Article 3 Composition and operation of Ethics Committee

  • (1) If the chairperson of the Publication Committee deems it necessary to deliberate on matters related to research ethics, a Research Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as “committee”) within the Publication Committee will be temporarily established.
  • (2) The committee consists of 3-5 members including the chairperson.
  • (3) The chairperson of the Publication Committee concurrently serves as the chairperson.
  • (4) Members are appointed by the chairman from among those recommended by the Publication Committee.
  • (5) The Committee shall be established with the attendance of a majority of all incumbent members, and a resolution shall be made with the consent of a majority of the members present. However, the power of attorney is recognized as attendance at the formation of the committee, but voting rights are not granted.
  • (6) Members who are involved a study that is the subject of the committee's deliberation cannot participate in the deliberation related to the study.
  • (7) If necessary for deliberation, the chairperson may request the research director or the manager in charge of submitting data or reporting.
  • (8) Members must keep confidentiality in all matters related to the deliberation.

Article 4 Role of the Committee

The committee deliberates on the following matters.

  • (1) Matters concerning research ethics raised in relation to the research articles
  • (2) Deliberation on matters accused of research integrity
  • (3) Investigation of research misconduct
  • (4) Other matters concerning research ethics

Article 5 Investigation and deliberation by the Ethics Committee <revised on Nov. 09, 2011>

  • (1) Members who are reported as violating the ethics guidelines must cooperate with the investigation conducted by the Ethics Committee to investigate the facts of the report. Failure to cooperate with this investigation is itself a violation of the ethics guidelines (5-year verification statute and investigation of specificity of report).
  • (2) The research ethics committee makes a final decision by referring to the statements of the informant and the investigator.
  • (3) Members who are reported to be in violation of ethical guidelines should be given sufficient opportunities for explanation.
  • (4) The ethics committee member should not disclose the identity of the member until a final disciplinary decision is made for violating the ethics guidelines.
  • (5) In case of dissatisfaction with the result of the judgment, an objection may be filed.

Article 6 Disciplinary Action for Violation of Ethics Guidelines

  • (1) The Ethics Committee finally determine whether to discipline and the details of disciplinary action against members who violate ethical guidelines, and the results of disciplinary action shall be reported to the Publication Committee.
  • (2) When the Chairperson determines the disciplinary action of the Ethics Committee, he/she shall publicly announce the fact on the website of the Korea Institute of Sport Science (KISS).
  • (3) The Ethics Committee may impose sanctions on members who violate the guidelines for research ethics according to the severity of the case.
    • 1. Violation of research ethics guidelines once
      • 1) Send warning official letter
      • 2) Prohibition of temporary submission to 『Korean Journal of Sport Science』((the duration depends on the severity of the issue)
    • 2. Violation of research ethics guidelines more than once
      • 1) Permanently prohibited submission to 『Korean Journal of Sport Science』
      • 2) Prosecution of member affiliated organizations for research ethics
